Аджаб-Сандал — это Кавказское блюдо, в обязательный состав которого входят баклажаны, болгарский перец, помидоры, лук и картофель. В этой комбинации овощей, испортить блюдо практически невозможно. Каждый из народов Кавказа готовит Аджаб-Сандал по своему, с добавлением ингредиентов на свой вкус (в Грузии, например, добавляют чеснок, хмели-сунели и острый перец). Некоторые народы добавляют свою зелень и специи, некоторые, мелко нарезают овощи. Блюда с подобным набором овощей встречаются также в Среднеазиатской кухне, и даже во Французской и Итальянской. Но самый вкусный – это классический Азербайджанский Аджаб-Сандал. Он отличается не только вкусом, но и своей сытностью, так как готовится всегда с мясом и тушится в собственном соку. В разных регионах приготовление мяса варьируется — от фарша до свежих кусков баранины, выложенных на дно газана, а овощи нарезаются крупно в форме медальонов.
Всем Приятного Аппетита!
Всем Приятного Аппетита!
ADJAB-SANDAL Azerbaijani-style
1 lb (450 g) boneless lamb or beef (optional)
2 large eggplants
1 large onions
2 large tomato
1 large green bell pepper
½ bunch of parsley (or cilantro)
Salt and Pepper to taste
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 lb (450 g) boneless lamb or beef (optional)
2 large eggplants
1 large onions
2 large tomato
1 large green bell pepper
½ bunch of parsley (or cilantro)
Salt and Pepper to taste
3 tablespoons olive oil
Cut the meat into bite-size pieces. In a large saucepan, add oil and cook the meat over medium-high heat until it is lightly brown on all sides. Then, add approximately 1/3 cup of water and season the meat with salt and pepper. Cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer over medium-low heat until the meat is almost cooked. Stir the meat occasionally to prevent it from burning.
Cut the meat into bite-size pieces. In a large saucepan, add oil and cook the meat over medium-high heat until it is lightly brown on all sides. Then, add approximately 1/3 cup of water and season the meat with salt and pepper. Cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer over medium-low heat until the meat is almost cooked. Stir the meat occasionally to prevent it from burning.

Wash and dry all vegetables and herbs.
Remove the stems of the eggplants and peel the skin lengthwise in approximately ½-inch strips to give them a nice striped effect.
Slice the eggplants, tomatoes, and potatoes into circles (approximately ½ -inch thick).
Slice the bell pepper and onion into half circles.
Remove the stems of the eggplants and peel the skin lengthwise in approximately ½-inch strips to give them a nice striped effect.
Slice the eggplants, tomatoes, and potatoes into circles (approximately ½ -inch thick).
Slice the bell pepper and onion into half circles.

Place layers of sliced onion, potatoes and bell pepper on the meat.

Then place layers of sliced eggplants and tomatoes, and top it off with chopped parsley.

Cover the saucepan with a lid and steam over a low heat until all the vegetables are tender.

At the end, add salt and pepper to taste.
Serve Adjab-Sandal hot or warm.
Serve Adjab-Sandal hot or warm.
it's very good for shabbat- i make it parve , and it's ok to serve it cold as a salad, like matbucha;i make it with red peppers , with potatoes, lots of coriander